Dissemination of the Project

Dissemination of the Project

Conference participation:


1. Ana-Maria Buga. Identification of axonal growth-relevant genes in the aged post-stroke brain. Forth FLARE Summer School 6-9 August 2012, Irlanda.

2. Ana-Maria Buga, Claudiu Margaritescu, Popa-Wagner Aurel. Post-stroke vasculogenesis in the aged brain. The 3rd Conference of the National Neuroscience Society “New methods and approaches in neuroscience research”, Bucuresti, 18-19 Octombrie 2012.

3. Ana-Maria Buga. Identification of axonal growth-relevant genes in the aged post-stroke brain. Conferinta Diaspora in Cercetarea Stiintifica. Workshop exploratoriu: Noi perspective in neurostiinte. Bucuresti, 26-27 Septembrie 2012.

4. Ana-Maria Buga, Popa-Wagner Aurel. Divergent gene expression in the ipsilateral cortex of aged rats as compared to young rats after stroke. International Symposium on Neurobiology and Neuroendocrinology of Aging. 29 Iulie-3 August 2012, Bregentz, Austria.

5. Ana-Maria Buga. Transcriptional activity of ageing brain after stroke. Workshop exploratoriu “Future horizons in brain therapies”, Cluj, 1-3 Noiembrie 2012.

6. Ana-Maria Buga (Romania) Multimodal approaches for regenerative stroke therapies: Role of the fibrotic scar. The 8th European Congress of Biogerontology, Healthy Ageing and Regenerative Medicine, Beer Sheva – Dead Sea, Israel, March 10-13, 2013.

7. Ana-Maria Buga Vasculogenesis in the ageing brain, The 4th conference of the National Neuroscience Society of Romania (SNN) with IBRO international symposium on "Abnormal Brain Connectivity", Bucuresti, Septembrie 2013.



Actualizat la 25.01.2023, 11:44