

3 luni

Establishing working protocols and inclusion of patients with liver and pancreatic cancers
  •   0 EUR
  • Obiective
    State-of-the-art study of the research topic at an international level. Establishing working protocols for the inclusion of patients with liver and pancreatic cancer Development of the trial scenarios and evaluation methodology Database structuring Selection of the patients with liver and pancreatic cancers
  • Activități
    A1.1. State-of-the-art study of the research topic at an international level. • Study of current immunohistochemical markers used in the diagnosis of liver and pancreatic tumors (CO); • Study of current medical-imaging techniques in the non-invasive diagnosis (CO); • Study of recent advances in multi-slice computed tomography and elastography, applied to the differential diagnosis of focal pancreatic masses (CO); • Study of recent advances in medical image acquisition for multi-slice computed tomography and elastography (P3); • Study on optimum database architectures for storing complex medical data (CO, P1, P2); • Study on security protocols for data protection (CO, P1, P2); • Study of the current use and recent advances of medical image data in three-dimensional reconstructions (CO, P1, P2); • Study of recent advances in optimization protocols for three-dimensional real time rendering (CO, P1, P2, P3); • Study of recent advances in virtual reality training and haptic simulations (P2); • Study of current use of online informatics platforms for training and clinical use (P2) A1.2. Establishing working protocols for the inclusion of patients with liver and pancreatic cancer • Establishing the inclusion and exclusion criteria for liver and pancreatic cancer patients; • Designing the working database format for storage of patient clinical and imagistic data; • Designing and implementing security protocols for the protection of patient data. A1.3. Development of the trial scenarios and evaluation methodology A1.4. Database structuring • Establishing the optimum solution for database development (P2) • Detailing necessary fields and specifications for the database (CO, P2) • Detailing selection and display criteria for data retrieval (CO, P2) A1.5. Selection and inclusion of patients with liver and pancreatic cancers • Acquisition of multi-slice computed tomography of tumoral masses; • Acquisition of elastography data of tumoral masses (CO, P1): • TUS Elastography • EUS Elastography • IOUS Elastography A1.6. Participation in major congresses for dissemination of preliminary results of the literature study

12 luni

Inclusion of patients with liver and pancreatic cancers and developing and implementing the reconstruction software and virtual-reality module
  •   0 EUR
  • Obiective
    Complex imaging assessment of pancreatic and liver cancer patients by multi-slice computed tomography and elastography. Storage of data in a modular central database-driven computer system. Volumetric data reconstruction and mapping of texture information based on elasticity data. Virtual reality interaction with reconstructed tumor model Development of GUI visualization of captured and stored data as 3d models
  • Activități
    • Continuation of inclusion of patients with liver and pancreatic malignant tumors (CO, P1); • Populating the corresponding databases (CO, P1); A2.1. Complex imaging assessment of pancreatic and liver cancer patients by multi-slice computed tomography and elastography. • Acquisition of multi-slice computed tomography of tumoral masses; • Acquisition of elastography data of tumoral masses (CO, P1): • TUS Elastography • EUS Elastography • IOUS Elastography A2.2. Storage of data in a modular central database-driven computer system. • Storage of data in a modular central database-driven computer system (P2, P3); • Development of interfaces with various data sources (P2, P3) • Ensuring the ongoing protection of all stored patient data (P2, P3). • Quality-control of acquired data in order to minimize the risk of inaccurate reconstructions (P2, P3); • Validation of the accuracy and quality of recorded data (CO, P2,P3). A2.3. Volumetric data reconstruction and mapping of texture information based on elasticity data. • Choosing the best technology as visualization, and integration with the stored 3d model data also with applied elasticity textures (P3); A2.4. Virtual reality interaction with reconstructed tumor model • Virtual reality applications in medicine, with special focus on medical training and intra-operatory applications. (P3); • Interactions between haptic training devices and computer-generated models used in medical training (P2, P3); • Setting up main functionalities of interaction, testing and fine tuning pressure and force feedback to meet reality (P2, P3) • Development of maintenance software modules (P2, P3) A2.5. Participation in major congresses for dissemination of preliminary results

12 luni

Implementing the haptic training device and the developed software solution
  •   0 EUR
  • Obiective
    Using the haptic device in conjunction with the reconstructed virtual tumor models. Live implementation of the haptic simulator in diagnostic and training applications. Setting up training scenarios and saving them as lessons Setting up fine tuning procedures to integrate with haptic devices. Establishing the capabilities and limitations of existing telemedicine platform in conjunction with the new haptic training and diagnostic interface.
  • Activități
    • Continuation of inclusion of patients with liver and pancreatic malignant tumors and all deriving activities already stated in phase 2; A3.1. Using the haptic device in conjunction with the reconstructed virtual tumor models. • Interactions between haptic training devices and computer-generated models used in medical training; A3.2. Live implementation of the haptic simulator in diagnostic and training applications. • Implementation of the haptic training device in the medical training curricula; • Implementation of the haptic device as a diagnostic aid both for on-site and remote investigation and assessment of tumor condition; • Receive feedback from professors and students regarding the user experience, maneuverability and level of interaction with the haptic training device; • Implementation of the haptic device as a diagnostic aid in clinical context; • Patient investigation and assessment of any improvements regarding the diagnostic accuracy after using the device, both on-site and in telemedicine settings; • Quality check and feedback on device usage through questionnaires and interviews with medical and teaching personnel implicated; • Improving the interface between the reconstructed tumor models and the haptic device to suite clinical and training real-life needs, based on feedback received; A3.3. Establishing the capabilities and limitations of existing telemedicine platform in conjunction with the new haptic training and diagnostic interface. • Improving the existing telemedicine platform by implementing the necessary elements for the proper usage of the haptic device A3.4. Participation in major congresses for dissemination of results

3 luni

Development of product specifications and patent registration
  •   0 EUR
  • Obiective
    Detailed installation and maintenance procedures manual Detailed end user manual and guideline Writing the necessary documentation for patent request Registration of the patent with national authorities (OSIM)
  • Activități
    A4.1. Elaboration of user manuals and installation procedures for the haptic device • Writing specifications for imaging data acquisition and database population; • Writing specifications for software components and their implementation with the haptic device; • Elaborating the detailed end-user manual in printed and e-book formats. • Shooting training videos, software usage screencasts, devices usage; • Elaborating the complete manual of setup, for each data source, each interface including all elastography and imaging devices • Elaborating procedures of disaster recovery, including security and backup procedures • Describing the complete set of different devices and their interfaces setup to main data server A4.2. Writing the necessary documentation for patent request A4.3. Registration of patent claim with OSIM • Formulating patent proposal and claims with national registration authorities; • Registering the patent claim with OSIM
Actualizat la 08.09.2021, 18:49