UMF Craiova life

UMF Craiova life


UMF Craiova LIFE, 1/2024



Are you a student, master's student, PhD student or resident of UMF Craiova? We are happy to invite you to submit manuscripts (original research, academic essays, case studies, book reviews, film reviews, interviews with medical personalities, reports, features, portraits of members of our community who have a story we can all learn from, etc.) to be published in the next issue of UMF Craiova LIFE.


Drafting rules:

1. Articles:

  • will be signed (First name, Last name, Year of study, Faculty).
  • must have diacritics.
  • will follow American Medical Association (AMA style) writing guidelines.
  • The tabs (text, photo) will be named: Author_Title-article (Ex: Popescu-Mihai-Tehnici-comunicare)!
  • there is no sign/word limit!
  • images will also be sent in jpg, png or pdf format.
2. Manuscripts should be sent to:





Updated on 7/25/24, 3:10 PM