The letter of intent, also called a motivation letter, is the document that, together with your CV, can recommend you for a particular job.
The content of the document varies depending on the situation, but regardless of the position you apply for, there are a few elements that must be found in the document.
In most situations the letter of intent is the first established contact with the employer and may be the only chance you have to arouse their curiosity and get them to read your CV and call you for an interview.
To achieve its purpose, any letter of intent should outline why you are applying for the job, the reasons why you are suitable for the position and your desire to be contacted by the employer to demonstrate your professional potential.
The letter of intent should reflect your personal style, the aspects that differentiate you from other candidates, your uniqueness, your ability to argue, your professionalism and your ability to persuade.
Writing a letter of intent
In order to create a letter of intent that will increase your chances of employment, any candidate must take into account the existence of some characteristic elements in it:
1. IDENTIFICATION: both the sender and the recipient identification must be as complete as possible.
If the letter is sent in physical format, the employee's identification details are written at the top (name, surname, home address, e-mail address, telephone number), and if it is sent electronically, these elements are written at the end of the letter, in the signature.
The addressee must also be specified at the beginning of the letter. If the name of the company is known, it should be listed under the name and position of the recruiter (HR manager or other person in charge of hiring), which will be entered in the address form at the beginning of the letter.
2. INTRODUCTION: it is very important that in the introduction part of the letter you identify yourself, explain the reason that led you to send this application, and clearly state to the recruiter the position you are applying for and the source through which you found out about the availability of the job.
3. CONTENTS: is the most important part of a letter of intent, in no more than two paragraphs you should catch the employer's attention and arouse his curiosity. In the contents you should explain why you applied for the position and what skills and experience you have that match the profile required. Try to be as succinct as possible and do not exaggerate. Do not repeat information already in your CV, keep your sentences concise and try to use professional language.
4. CONCLUSION: In the last paragraph, formulate your conclusions and indicate your availability for a future meeting. Don't forget to thank the addressee for their attention and conclude by using a professional, neutral formula; " Yours faithfully,"; "Yours respectfully"; " Yours sincerely"; etc.
Letter of intent - template
Surname Name
Attn: Mr/Mrs Name, Surname, Position
Company headquarters
Dear Sir,
My name is ....... and I am writing this letter of intent in response to your advertisement for the vacant post of........advertised in.............
As a graduate of the Faculty of.........during my years of study I have accumulated a lot of knowledge in the fields of................................................................... that I look forward to being able to put into practice.
I am a communicative, dynamic, determined person, with great concentration power, sociable, who can face any challenge, interested in continuous professional development, personal characteristics that I would like to show you. The chance to work with you would give me the opportunity to put my intellectual capabilities and experience (as per attached CV) to good use in fulfilling the tasks and goals of the company as well as in developing my career.
Hoping that I have earned your trust, I thank you for your attention and hope to be able to give you more details in an interview.
Yours respectfully,
Surname, Name
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