Prevention and Protection Compartment

Prevention and Protection Compartment


Prevention and Protection Compartment Coordinator

Ing. Galiceanu Radu Aurel

Telefon: 0770 675 877



Prevention and Protection Compartment is coordinated by a Director of Compartment, working in accordance with: Law 319/2006 (updated), - law on safety and health at work; GD 1425/2006 (updated), - methodological rules for the approval of the law on safety and health at work; Law 307/2006 (updated), - fire protection; OMAI 163/2007 (updated), - general rules on fire protection; Law 481/2004 (updated), - on civil protection; Order 712/2005 (updated), - approving the general provisions on the training of employees in the field of emergency situations; Order 158/2007 (updated), - approving the performance criteria for the establishment, framing and equipping of emergency services; and has the following tasks:

      a) Direct coordination of occupational safety and health activities;

      b) Direct coordination of emergency activities;

      c) Coordination and control of fire protection activities;

      d) Coordination and control of civil protection activities.



Relations of the Prevention and Protection Compartment with the administrative structures of the institution :

Subordination relations:  is subordinate to the Rector of UMFCV and to the Administrative General Director.                                                                                                                                                                          Cooperation relations:  cooperates with all academic and administrative structures of UMFCV.

Updated on 6/10/24, 10:35 AM