Craiova Connects 2023. Gastro&ObGyn&Diab&Nutrition

Craiova Connects 2023. Gastro&ObGyn&Diab&Nutrition

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

       On 6-9 April 2023, the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova hosts the second edition of the Craiova Connects International Congress. This year's edition is organized exclusively on site and is focused on the following specialties: gastroenterology, obstetrics-gynecology, diabetes - nutritional diseases.

The medical community can apply here:

During the four days, the scientific panels will bring together topics of major interest not only for physicians of the three specialties, to which the 2023 Craiova Connects edition is dedicated, but also for physicians in their related areas: internal medicine, ophthalmology, nephrology, cardiology, endocrinology, oncology, family medicine, nurses and more, as can be seen from the preliminary scientific program.

The event will begin with 'Hands on training' on 6th April to support those interested in improving their skills in animal model digestive endoscopy and fetal morphological ultrasound. Plenary meetings are also scheduled to discuss common topics in gastroenterology, obstetrics and gynaecology, diabetes and nutritional diseases, as well as live broadcasts from the Gastroenterology Centre, the Gynaecology Simulation Centre and the Diabetes and Nutrition Simulation Centre.


Debates & Drills

A first this year is the creation of opportunities for young doctors, researchers and residents. As we want the best to join us in academic research and we want to encourage and support them, we are introducing two sessions in Craiova Connects that will take the form of competitions: one for young specialists and the second for residents. Both will bring prizes such as full support for the participation of young researchers in international congresses, but also the opportunity to practice alongside a chosen specialist (

The Craiova Connects concept was launched last year on World Health Day. It brought together leading specialists from three medical specialties: Gastroenterology, Rheumatology and Dermatology. It was three days of intense work, with around 500 on-site participants and over 1000 online participants.


See also

Updated on 2/21/23, 11:05 AM