

3 luni

Phase 1 (2015)
  •   0 EUR
  • Obiective
    1.1.Setting up project management 1.2.Initiating testing and optimizations
  • Activități
    1.1.a. Work meeting between partners; establishing the final working protocols 1.1.b. Signing an agreement with the Ethics Committee of UMF Craiova; creating a dedicated web page 1.2.a. Initiating testing and optimization of iDISCO technique (IHC enabled three dimensional imaging of solvent-cleared organs). 1.2.b. Acquisition of equipment and ancillaries. 1.2.c. Submitting the scientific summary

12 luni

Phase 2 (2016)
  •   0 EUR
  • Obiective
    2.1. Continuous testing of the working protocols, set up of the animal control group 2.2. Set up and analysis of the OACM/GLT-1 animal group 2.3. Set up and analysis of the OACM/AQP4 animal group 2.4. Set up and analysis of the OACM/AQP4-GLT-1 animal group 2.5. Initiation of integrative pathological analysis
  • Activități
    2.1.a. Establishment of the final iDISCO protocol. 2.1.b. Thorough testing of the immunohistochemistry protocols needed during the project 2.1.c. Establishment of the animal control groups: (i) OACM without treatment, (ii) “sham” simulation group, and (iii) intervention-free group 2.1.d. Patent application 2.1.e. Behavioural evaluation of the animals; archiving harvested tissue and initiation of immunohistochemistry and iDISCO studies 2.1.f. Acquisition of equipment and ancillaries. 2.2.a. Set up of the OACM animal group treated with GLT-1 activator 2.2.b. Behavioural evaluation of the animals from OACM/GLT-1 group; archiving harvested tissue and continuation of immunohistochemistry iDISCO studies 2.3.a. Set up of the OACM animal group treated with AQP4 inhibitor 2.3.b. Behavioural evaluation of the animals from OACM/ AQP4 group; archiving harvested tissue and continuation of immunohistochemistry iDISCO studies 2.4. a. Set up of the OACM animal group treated with AQP4 inhibitor and GLT-1 activator 2.4. b. Behavioural evaluation of the animals from OACM/AQP4-GLT-1 group; archiving harvested tissue and continuation of immunohistochemistry iDISCO studies 2.5. a. Pathological, immunohistochemical and integrative iDISCO analysis 2.5. b. Submitting the scientific summary

9 luni

Phase 3 (2017)
  •   0 EUR
  • Obiective
    3.1. Continuous integrative pathological analysis 3.2. Finalising the analysis of the OACM/AQP4-GLT-1 animals group 3.3. Finalising the integrative pathological analysis 3.4. Final global analysis
  • Activități
    3.1. a. Laser microdissection and quantitative analysis 3.2.a. Continuous behavioural evaluation of the animals from OACM/AQP4-GLT-1group; archiving harvested tissue and continuation of immunohistochemistry iDISCO studies 3.2.b. Acquisition of equipment and ancillaries. 3.3.a. Finalising pathological, immunohistochemical and iDISCO-related analysis 3.3.b. Finalising quantitative analysis 3.4.a. Integrative analysis of behavioural, pathological and volumetrical data 3.4.b. Final work meeting and submission of the final scientific report
Actualizat la 08.09.2021, 18:51