

Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology is designed to complement the knowledge of medical therapy, as students already have a solid foundation in semiology and internal medicine.
At the same time, the discipline aims to present fundamental data on drug toxicology.
Last but not least, Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology familiarises future doctors with the principles and management of clinical trials.
The discipline was founded in 1986, under the direction of Prof. Victor Voicu.
From 1986 until 2004, the activity was directed by Prof. Valentin Cirlig, PhD, afterwards and at present, the courses are conducted under the supervision of Prof. Andrei Adrian Tica, PhD.
The discipline of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology is an optional discipline for students of the 4th year of study, within the Faculty of Medicine, it comprises 8 courses.
Most of the milestones are common to those presented in the Discipline of Pharmacology, 3rd year of study, Faculty of Medicine. 


Discipline address:
2-4 Petru Rareș Street
Craiova 200349
Tel. 0351 443500 ext. 2228








Actualizat la 21.02.2024, 12:18