

Description of the Discipline Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases

Concerns in the field of nutrition and metabolism diseases began in the Discipline of Internal Medicine, in the academic year 1997-1998, lectures and practical works were initially coordinated by Dr. Dincă Mihaela, and from the academic year 1998-1999, they were coordinated by Dr. Dincă Mihaela and Dr. Moța Maria.

The Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases Discipline was established in 1999 for teaching and research purposes, being structured in lectures and practical works, with semester examination.

The current members of the Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases Discipline are:

Associate Professor PhD Habil. Simona Georgiana POPA - Head of discipline (indefinite contract)

Associate Professor PhD Mihaela Ionela VLADU (indefinite contract)

Assistant Professor PhD Diana CLENCIU (indefinite contract)

Assistant Professor PhD Adina MITREA (indefinite contract)

Assistant Professor PhD Theodora Claudia GHEONEA (indefinite contract)

The results of the activity of the team within the Discipline of Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases have resulted in the publication of numerous articles in prestigious ISI/BDI indexed journals, papers presented at national and international conferences and specialist monographs useful for physicians who complete their training in this field.

General objectives of the Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases Discipline:

  • To enable students to acquire the professional skills to correctly assess risk factors for nutrition and metabolic diseases, to identify and correctly diagnose metabolic disorders, to design and implement a therapeutic plan appropriate to the identified disorders.. 

  • Promoting scientific and formative research activity in the field of competence.

  • The acquisition by students of transversal competences that allow them to develop personally and professionally, to develop social interaction skills and to have autonomy and responsibility.

Specific objectives of the Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases Discipline:


  • Develop students' ability to analyze and synthesize course-related information on metabolic pathology, as well as to integrate knowledge learned from other disciplines.

  • To learn and strengthen the necessary skills to perform an objective examination of the patient with metabolic diseases, to elaborate the plan of paraclinical explorations necessary in the evaluation of the patient, on the basis of which to correctly establish the diagnosis and therapeutic schemes appropriate to the metabolic pathology.

  • Raising awareness of the role of a healthy lifestyle in preventing pathology and maintaining health and promoting lifestyle optimisation measures.

  • Promoting appropriate communication between students and patients, based on knowledge of and respect for the rules of medical ethics and deontology.

Actualizat la 16.01.2024, 08:11