Procedure for the recognition of teaching positions obtained abroad

Procedure for the recognition of teaching positions obtained abroad


Procedure regarding the automatic recognition by the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova of the teaching positions obtained in accredited higher education institutions abroad


General provisions

(1) Teaching positions in higher education obtained in accredited higher education institutions in Member States of the European Union, the European Economic Area, the Swiss Confederation and in prestigious universities in other states included in the List of prestigious universities in other states, approved by order of the Minister of National Education and Scientific Research and updated periodically, are automatically recognized by the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova according to the legal provisions in force.

(2) Teaching posts obtained in accredited higher education institutions other than those referred to in paragraph. (1) shall be recognized only on the basis of an international convention on mutual recognition concluded at intergovernmental or inter-university level.

(3) The provisions of this Regulation shall apply to Romanian citizens, citizens of Member States of the European Union, of the European Economic Area, of the Swiss Confederation and citizens of third countries.

(4) Filling a teaching post in the Romanian higher education system is carried out according to the legal rules in force.

(5)The University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova consults, if necessary, the National Center for the Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas (hereinafter referred to as CNRED) and the National Council for the Attestation of University Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates in order to analyze and approve the recognition of the teaching position obtained abroad.

(6)The recognition of the teaching position by the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova is valid and produces legal effects at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova.

(7) The recognition of the teaching function by CNRED is valid and produces legal effects throughout Romania.

(8)At the proposal of the Administrative Board, the University Senate shall establish a committee to evaluate the application for recognition and decide on the application for recognition.


Documents needed

The recognition file contains the following documents:

a) application for recognition;

b) identity document - copy - and proof of change of name - copy and notarized translation (if applicable);

c) a doctoral degree, if the degree is obtained in Romania or at one of the accredited higher education institutions referred to in Art. 1 para. (1), respectively the certificate of recognition issued by CNRED, if the degree is obtained at other accredited institutions of higher education abroad;

d) proof of teaching duties, issued by the institutions referred to in Art. 1 alin. (1) and (2).

e) the self-evaluation grid endorsed by the Scientific Commission of the University and the Academic Prorectorate.

f) a record of fulfillment of the minimum criteria established by the Senate for the teaching post at UMFCV

g) the fee for the analysis and processing of the file in order to obtain the recognition of the teaching position obtained abroad in the amount established by the University Senate in accordance with the legal provisions in force.

·         The University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova may request, as appropriate, other documents in accordance with the criteria set out in its own procedures.


Application deadline

The deadline for processing the application for recognition is 60 days from the date of submission of the application for recognition of the teaching function


Deadline for appeals

The deadline for appeals is 5 days from the date of communication of the answer.


Final documents

(1)  The report of the committee assessing the application for recognition in which it decides on the application for recognition.

(2) The decision of recognition or non-recognition is issued after approval of the University Senate by the Rector of UMFCV.

Updated on 6/25/24, 10:11 AM